End Closures
Ridgid offers a variety of high quality end closures in paper, plastic, metal or wood.
Many other types of end closures available made with only the best quality materials. End closures can be purchases with your tubes or separately as needed.
1” – 12” quality end closures available.
Ridgid produces the best large diameter plugs in the industry.
- Our standard plugs are heavy duty and in stock in sizes from 1” to 12”
- Extra heavy duty plugs offered in 8”, 10” and 12”
- Locking plastic plugs that do not require tape or staples
- Metal plugs sizes from 1” – 8-1/8” (can be stapled in)
- Fixed metal end closures available
- Wood end plugs in stock sizes or made to your specifications
- Paper end caps are the most eco-friendly (100% bio-degradable)

Please click here for a custom quotation
to meet your specific requirements.